Mt. Buse

Trail Name: Mt. Buse
Distance: 3 kms
Time: Under 2 hours
Difficulty: Medium
Cell Service: No
Trail: Double track, suitable for off-road vehicles
Highlight: Buse Pinnacle, Cliffs and views of the Thompson Basin.

Buse Lake Provincial Park is situated approximately 20 kms southwest of Kamloops and is popular among naturalists, birders, and hikers.

To get there: Mount Buse is approximately a 30 minute drive from Downtown Kamloops. To get there, take the Trans Canada Highway towards Banff/Vernon to Exit #384 Barhartvale road. From there, follow Barnhartvale road for about 8 kms, then turn right on Robbins Range road and follow it for another 8 kms. You have arrived when you can climb the back side of a hill that has 4×4 tracks going up it. Or get directions directly to the park from here.

There isn’t so much of a trail as 4×4 tracks up the hill side. Stick to the right to head up the middle peak. Always stick to the trail most travelled.

From the top of the middle peak you will be right above the cliffs with an incredible view of the Thompson Basin. If you want to check out the pinnacle, head to the left along the road.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Hi there – so awesome to see your blog!! Thank you for doing this! I drive a little Honda Fit. Will my car make it up the last part of the drive to this location?

    1. Oh thanks! I’m so glad you like it!
      Absolutely! All vehicles should be able to make it to the parking location I’ve specified in the first picture.

  2. Thanks so much!! My hiking group follows your blog and we love it! Keep em coming!

    1. Ah! Thank you so much! We’ll be sure to keep them coming throughout the summer!

  3. The correct name is Buse Hill and the access is on private land. Those tracks to the left and right in the photo are off the established track and are ruining fragile grassland and promote the spread of noxious weeds. Please park on the road or on the flat section at the bottom of the track. So nice to see photos of people hiking to the lookout rather than driving and tearing up the grass.

  4. We hiked this trail today. Beautiful views at the top so definitely worth the trek.
    You should know that the area where you park is now a bio-waste dump – the smell is quite bad and unfortunately gets on your tires, on your boots, as well as on your dogs paws. Just be aware that you’ll likely want to wash your vehicle and pets after. Signs are posted.

    1. Oh my gosh! That’s crazy! Good to know! Thanks for letting us know!

  5. Biosoilds are very hazardous to your heath. You should not hike near there and definitely should not take dogs. The biosolids get stuck in their paws and they lick it off, thus ingesting toxic material.

  6. Does anyone know of an update on the bio-waste in the parking area?

    1. The latest I’ve heard it that its no longer there. We have yet to make it up there ourselves to check.

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