Kamloops Trails that remain open during COVID-19

BC Parks has closed the entire BC Parks system, including all parks, protected areas, conservancies, recreation areas, and ecological reserves.

This temporary measure means public and vehicle access is prohibited until further notice. All trails, roads, day-use areas, beaches, lakes, boat launches, and backcountry areas are closed to the public. Park closures will be enforced through regular monitoring and patrols and anyone found in a closed park will be evicted and could face a $115 fine.

BC Parks Closure Information Map for more details.

Kamloops trails that remain OPEN.

As far as we know, all City parks remain open.

Rivers Trail

Popular Kamloops trails that are now CLOSED

The following Kamloops and area trails are now closed due to the BC Parks closure.

  • Battle Bluff
  • Cinnamon Ridge
  • Dewdrop Range
  • Mara Loop
  • Deep Lake
  • McConnell Lake
  • Isobel Lake
  • Gibraltar Rock
  • Wells Gray Provincial Park
  • Tsutswecw Provincial Park
    • Upper & Lower Flume Trails
    • Story trail
  • and MANY more.

Please continue to check the BC Parks website for updates.

This Post Has 26 Comments

  1. Thanks so much for posting this!

  2. Thanks so much for this helpful update! 🌼🧡

    1. You’re welcome 🙂

  3. What about grasslands area in Bach?

    1. Not 100% clear. Depends if it is part of the Lac du Bois Grasslands Protected Area which is closed.

    2. Lac du bois is a protected area so as long as you are not within the protected area you are fine. The beacon and tower trails are all protected as an fyi

      1. Drove into the Lac du Bois Grasslands Prk. yesterday via Frederick Rd.
        Along the 4 km. gravel rd, passed 6 vehicles parked at Battle Bluff turnout.
        No vehicles at the trailhead of the Dew Drop. Signage up as you enter the Grasslands Prk…”Park Closed”. Parked at the far end of Frederick where the road turns into a very rough 4×4 road. Began my mtb. ride from here and continued west for another 10km. stopping at the vista point with the two crosses overlooking the lake and the boat launch at Tobiana. Along the way met a couple who were target shooting, 4 motorbikers and a group of 6 sitting around chatting.
        Several points of interest;
        -when putting the mtb in the truck a “Park Ranger” drove up, turned around, waved and carried on back east towards Red Lk. Rd.
        -driving back along Frederick, passed a new sign stating you’re entering Lac du Bois Grasslands, “Park Closed”.
        -had I driven “through” the Park? If not, would the Ranger have said something?
        -on the way out, there were 3 vehicles at the Battle Bluff turnout.
        The area will be very busy this long weekend!
        Hope this helps!

  4. Thank you for the info! I forgot that Deep Lake is part of the grasslands, so will be closed too. Glad I fit it in last weekend, and only saw one group of three who gave a wide berth. 🙂

    FYI the link to Oak Hills is broken.

    1. You’re welcome! And thanks for the heads up on the broken link – it has now been updated 🙂

  5. Thanks so much for the update. I’m sorry but this is hypocritical. They’re shutting down parks in the boonies but not the ones in the city? We hike extensively and everyone we come even remotely close to (in the boonies) abides by the rules. This is the one thing that has kept our (and our pets) sanity throughout the social distancing.

    1. Totally agree with the keeping sane. Unfortunately, I don’t think it will be long before the City closes down their parks too due to increased usage now that the BC parks have closed.

    2. I also find this ridiculous. City parks open but remote larger parks closed? I don’t agree with this philosophy.

  6. Thanks for the info.

  7. What about Lac Le Jeune? Stake lake? And the Gus Johnson trail?

    1. Lac le Jeune is a provincial park, so it’s closed.
      Stake Lake is a rec site and has also been closed.
      The Gus Johnson trail would also be closed.

  8. I found a great interactive map detailing all the park/rec area closures but your website won’t let me paste the link. If you Google search “BC Parks Closure Information Map” you will find a link to the map. It’s a BC Parks ‘arcgis’ interactive map and is quite detailed.

    As Roxanne said I don’t understand ‘closing’ the wilderness while all city parks remain open. I’ve never seen the grasslands so busy so good luck with policing/enforcing the closure.

  9. Who enforces this and who would one report to for people not following restrictions?
    I can tell you that the parking lots and roads at Battle Bluff and Dew Drop will be LOADED with cas and people this weekend.

    1. From the BC Parks site “Park closures will be enforced through regular monitoring and patrols by park operators and park rangers.” Didn’t see any number to call to report to.

  10. Thank you for posting this. Great site for someone like me who is relatively new to Kamloops. Thanks

  11. roxanne is right. all that open area out there to walk the dogs and we can’t, yet aviation way is open!
    whoever is making these decisions isn’t thinking.
    one of the beautiful things about living in kamloops right now is the opportunity to distance ourselves in the hills and open area’s and stay mentally and physically healthy. everyone has been very considerate out there on the beaches and in the hills.

  12. Thanks for this update, will keep an eye on the site for further updates. Keep up the great work on the site, much appreciated.

  13. Thanks for taking the time to post this update on trails!

  14. Can you still take the little hike to the waterfall in Whitecroft? Ty

  15. Are the trails next to the bike ranch in Valleyview closed to mountain bikes?

  16. Jamison Creek falls are they accessable right now with the parks being closed or they don’t fall under those lands ?

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